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Small World Theory

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This one should just be a quite short theory, at least until Nick comes up with a bunch of extensions.

Studies from the Institute of Nick suggest that people say that "it's a small world" a vastly increased amount, since the phrase was first invented.

The only explanation given for this is that the world really is shrinking.Size of earth decreases as time increases.

Also, the rate of shrink is increasing. (See the diagram.)

The reason for this? Well, obviously, it must be the giant space storms.

These giant space storms were made by angry turtles. They ate too many giant space chillis; this would have made them breathe fire, but there's no oxygen in space, and things can't burn without oxygen.

So, completely logically, the turtles started breathing lightning instead.

When this lightning hits the poles of the Earth, the poles gradually implode. This interferes with the Earth's magnetic field, and pulls the poles together. This makes the earth more compact.

In the future, the earth will shrink so much that it will have no mass. Then, it'll keep shrinking until it has negative mass.

On my notes now, I have no idea what I meant by what I wrote. So, I've just written it out exactly in note form; maybe you'll be able to figure it out.



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