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Pepetual Motion Manatees: A Biological Study

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The perpetual motion manatee, or Trichechus pepetuus, is a water-dwelling mammal used by the hippophants to power their spaceships.

The perpetual motion manatees were originally a genetic experiment by the scientist hippophant Glarb, prior to his accident. They are now used by the hippophants in manatee-wheels to power spaceships.

(A manatee wheel is similar to a hamster-wheel, but more manatee-like.)

The perpetual motion of the manatee comes from some unique features of the manatees' fat globules.

The diagram to the right shows the inside of a pepetual motion manatee's fat globule. The energy for the pepetual motion comes from the magnets of the universe. These magnets produce an east-to-west magnetic field across the universe.

The Helmholtz coil converts the east-west magnetic energy into eletricity.

A step-up transformer increases the voltage of the electricity, and a step-sideways transformer converts the east-west electricity into north-south electricity (ie. the normal electricity used on Earth).

Nitrogen and oxygen from the atmosphere are put into a reaction chamber. The electricity produces a spark in the reaction chamber, making the nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2) react to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The nitrogen dioxide moves into a flamethrower, where it is ignited, producing heat energy. This produces thrust, which thrusts the manatees forwards, allowing them to power a manatee wheel.

For some strange reason, when the nitrogen dioxide is burnt, it gives off nitrogen and oxygen, which are inputted back into the reaction chamber.

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